Monday, 16 May 2022

Europe Day (9 May 2022)

Οι μαθητές του Στ2 του σχολείου μας, κατασκεύασαν στο εργαστήριο πληροφορικής τις παρακάτω ψηφιακές εικόνες και έφτιαξαν ένα ενημερωτικό φυλλάδιο για την ιστορία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, το οποίο παρουσίασαν σε μικρότερους μαθητές του σχολείου.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Once upon a the EU (video 1) - What we have learnt...

During the on line distance learning, the students continued working on the T4E project. A lesson in e-class was set up and the Webex meeting every Friday was dedicated to the program. The students worked very hard and the result of the worksheets they worked on during distance learning and the discussions we had is the following video.

Note: due to serious technical problems, it is very difficult to add the voice-over.

Monday, 17 May 2021

We are all human - We are all equal

Today we talked about racism, discrimination and different types of bullying and shaming. All  of these forms of behaviour are not acceptable. People are equal and they just have different characteristics, abilities, kills and competences. When people cooperate their power to act and create becomes ....a SUPERPOWER

"We were all humans
Until race disconnected us,
Religion separated us,
Politics divided us,
And wealth classified us!"

Maya Angelou


14ο Δημοτικό (φωτο 1)